Credit where credit is due...
Michael Greene (@webdes03) for the frequent helpful feedback and help managing the site when I'm tied up. Mike was also kind enough to create the project logo and certification icons. He's truly a part of the project team!
The original idea for this library came from Mike Oryszak's blog post Using jQuery to Update an Item Without A Form. This led to a demo page on our demo site, then this library.
Other people who helped to inspire or inform (or just plain gave us some code to use!):
- Paul Grenier’s “jQuery for Everyone” series on End User SharePoint
- Jan Tielen’s blog
- Kirikou for his assistance with $().SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns.
- Einar Otto Stangvik (@einaros) for ideas and the starting code for $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser
- Waldek Mastykarz for his post entitled Extending Lookup Fields with “Add new item” option which turned into the $().SPServices.SPLookupAddNew function.
- Christian Ståhl for help with functionality ideas and testing.
- Mike Hacker for a nice workaround for z:row to improve cross-browser compatibility, followed by Kevin Whinnery with something even simpler
- Paula Paul for great suggestions, enhancement requests, and real world testing.
- Jaap Vossers (@jvossers) for code review and ongoing ideas on how to improve things.
- Anders Rask (@AndersRask) for regex help (I don't like regex so much most days).
- A big thanks to Thomas MacMillan for providing the code for the Taxonomy Web Service.
More to come...